
Delivery Time & Charges

Our global standard shipping takes approximately 7 days using trusted courier services like DHL, UPS, FedEx, and DPD.

Enjoy free shipping on all orders within Poland.

For orders totaling 1000 EUR or more, we offer complimentary worldwide standard shipping.

Please note that we do not deliver to PO Boxes.

Keep in mind that the delivery cost may vary depending on your chosen currency for payment. You can view all available shipping options for your region during the checkout process.

Once your order has been dispatched, you will receive a confirmation email with the tracking number, allowing you to monitor your package’s journey on the carrier’s website. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our carrier or contact our dedicated customer service team; we’re here to support you every step of the way.

Typically, orders are delivered within 2–4 business days from the moment you receive the shipping confirmation email. However, please be aware that delays may occur due to payment authorizations, product availability, or customs processing. During peak sale periods, the increased order volume might also lead to longer delivery times. Rest assured, we are committed to ensuring your order reaches you as swiftly as possible.

Please note that once an order is placed, it cannot be modified.

Taxes and Duties

Please be aware that duties are not included in the price for orders outside the EU. You can review all available shipping options for your region during the checkout process.

For orders exceeding 2500 USD and destined for the United States, a formal customs clearance process is required. In such instances, DHL or UPS may contact you to obtain your federal Tax ID or social security number to facilitate the delivery to your location. This is a necessary step to ensure compliance with customs regulations.